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Internet Dating at its worst

Posted by anconky on February 7, 2012

Following on from a normal thread of conversation, I’m going to state the obvious again. I hate Apple, their products and their approach to business. I hate their fetishisation of consumerism. How they have turned innocence into deviance. And today I found possibly the worst example I have seen.

On twitter, an account called Cupidtino started to follow me. As with all new followers, I like to see who they are. There was a moment of great relief when this follower did state on their bio that they “would love to be fucked silly” or “come see me play on their webcam”. The relief stayed for about 3 seconds, until I saw what Cupidtino was – ” the first and only dating app and website exclusively for fans of Apple products”.

My jaw dropped. When I say dropped, I meant it made a pothole of Buster Bloodvessel proportions in the ground.

Although it’s not for me, I can’t see a problem with internet dating for others. Even some of those odd “uniform dating” websites that keep popping up on Facebook – again not for me, but we all know girls who are especially attracted to firemen, or boys especially attracted to nurses (and of course any combination of the above)

But having a fetish or a sexual attraction because someone has an ipad? Well looking a bit deeper into this “Product” it already has a layer of snobbery in it. You can only use it if you have a Mac. Kind of obvious really. And stupid.

They claim to have 30,000 “members”. That’s 30,000 sad fuckers I hope I never have the misfortune to meet. OK I’m an Android fan, yes, but if there was a “Andriod only dating website”, I’d never want to meet anyone on there either. Not that it will ever happen, because android people make phone calls on their mobile phones, or use an app on their phone, or look things up on their phone. They never feel the need to say “Oh I’m just looking it up on my Samsung” or “I’ll give them a call on my HTC”. Because oddly enough, that hideous level of pretentiousness doesn’t exist in that market.

You pay a small monthly fee, but that’s not a complaint about the service. For a dating website, you’d expect that. It’s just the horror that people WOULD join a dating site because of a “love of apple products”* *being a sad lemming

I had a conversation earlier with the very intelligent and witty @Herzformig about “people who take pictures of themselves on mobiles in mirrors so that people can see the hardware” and we came to a clear conclusion that those with iphones do their very best NOT to obscure the logo with their fingers. We found a few examples, as shown below

Smug bignose fanboy

Scary murderous fanboy (notice the clever "show as much phone as possible" method)

I'm a shit photographer fanboy

I'm an extra from Commando who's about to bumped off fanboy

I'm so World of Warcraft fanboy

I'm touching my iPhone like I touch my women fanboy

Man at C&A fanboy

My big twat wedding fangirl

This one REALLY needs no caption fangirl

So there you have it Cupidtino. Please carry on what you are doing. You are not hipsters, you are not cool, your idea is crap, but very sadly not floored. If anyone who reads this is tempted to join such a dating agency, then I would like you to be really offensive to me, and then forget I exist, because frankly, if you are that utterly shallow, I have no intention of knowing you.

Mind you, I may go and get a 2nd hand Mac and sign up. Destruction in a day……

But of course, you’ll be fine. I’ll tell you why? Jesus loves you. See below for proof

I'd love to get hold of the git who did this

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If you haven’t got an iPhone, you probably haven’t got self-esteem issues

Posted by anconky on October 15, 2011

Those of you who know me know I am quite a vociferous Apple hater. I never miss an opportunity to launch some sort of rant about them.  I responded to a tweet this week asking “why do some people hate iphones so much”, so I felt the need to answer, but before I do, a little confession. There are some things about the iphone (and by logical extension, the ipad) that are quite good.

a) It’s not a bad piece of technology, quite user friendly, and has a significant app store. I can see why people like them, plus its external looks have been quite well designed.

There I’ve said it. There are some people I know who have iPhones who use them for being..well a phone. And don’t need to shout about it. And there are people with other phones who don’t need to shout about it either. But there seems to be a group of people who can’t help themselves when saying “I’ll give them a call on my iPhone” or “I’ll just look that up on my iPhone” or “I’ve got an app on my iPhone”. I can’t help but wonder what they will lose out on by dropping the “one my iPhone”. It’s like a desire to say it. Like they must tell anyone who cares to listen that they have an iPhone. There have been extensions to this on two fronts this week – the release of iOS5 and the 4S. With the former, people are saying whole stories about how they are upgrading their phone telling us in detail how the update process is going. That’s fine, I can imagine the sense of achievement of a non-techie would have doing something which is slightly technical (especially as iPhones have attracted the really non techie end of the market). The latter I find a little more disturbing. People camping out to get the iPhones on the day of release. Now to be honest, these phones will never run out. There is no real issue about never finding the stock. Yet people feel the need to camp out all night. Like they felt the need to camp out all night for the last Harry Potter book.

To me I can see one major reason for this sort of commercialism. And that is to tell people they have got it. In a sort of “I’ve got the new iphone, you don’t nar ne nar” way. If you couple this to an obvious subtext that Apple has in all its marketing being “If you have an Apple, you are a better person than others” or as the title of this hints on “If you don’t have an Apple, you are a worse person”.

In marketing terms that’s all well and good. It happens quite often. Lynx for example give you the subtext that if you are male and use Lynx, you’ll get your cock wet. Yes it helps it sell, but people don’t go round saying how many shags they have got because they’ve used Lynx. This Apple evangelism is a little more sinister, and yet a sad reflection of our society.

Today, there seems a big a need as any to show that you are better than ones neighbour. Apple have tapped into this by spending a lot of money on not just the product, but on the look and the ‘appeal’ of the product. In terms of their PC/Laptop range, you are paying well into the £1,000s for a machine where the equivalent “PC” is somewhere in the region of £400. Even allowing for, say £200 better software (which personally I don’t think it) you are paying around £500 for how a computer looks. I’m sure you all like pretty things but if I said to you “I’ll sell you this pretty laptop for £500 – it has no insides and is totally useless, but it looks nice” it seems some people would say yes. Especially if it has an Apple logo on it.

Then Apple take it a step further and get very high profile people to “endorse” it – even if they are not experts in the field. The most high profile one in the UK is Stephen Fry, and how he talks about it, I’m finding it hard to believe that he is not on their payroll. If you do a search on “Stephen Fry Apple” on youtube, there are a lot of different videos about him going on how wonderful Apple products are.

Here’s my take on it.

There are some people, and these tend to be people those aforementioned people who have to talk about, who actually believe they are better than others because they have a device like that. I’m of the opinion that these people are not happy within themselves. Either they feel they need the same device to fit in with the ‘cool kids’ or perhaps they’ve reached a point in their life where they have not achieved what they hoped to, or maybe they’ve had a fortunate upbringing and they’ve hit a rumble. I feel there is a real self esteem issue going on. Don’t get me wrong, many of us (and I include myself in that) have elements about ourselves which we don’t like, want to change and have low self esteem ourselves. But some of us are smart enough to know that getting an iphone will not solve these, or just being the first to get something won’t make us into a better person. When people bleat on about it, it’s in the same ball park as making someone feel bad because they are a virgin or a car is an extension of their penis.

I agree than a piece of tech like this can enhance your life, make life easier etc. But they don’t and can’t make you a better person. Or in some cases a more successful one. I’ve just read a tweet from someone I used to follow (but stopped following for the reasons above) saying “spend so much of my life with my baby. It changed my life.” – He is referring to his apple product. To me, that is an example of what a wanton society we have become. Another tweet I just saw said ” iPhones are part of twitter and always have been” and to me misses the point. It’s PEOPLE that make Twitter.

Sadly I can see all of this carrying on. And of course has been carrying on for a while. Charlie Brooker sums it up well in this clip

If people like this valued people around them half as much as they value aspirational bits of tech, the world, my friends, would be a better place.

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Celebrity Twitter or Twitter Celebrity?

Posted by anconky on April 1, 2011

Having promised to blog a little more, I was thinking where to kick off this new series. I went back to the charity auction held by Comic Relief a couple of weeks ago – i’m sure you know the one – selling of SUPERFOLLOW. Before I go off on a tangent (as I invariably do), firstly credit to the fundraising team at CR. A brilliant idea and raised shed loads for their charity. My followers will know that I did comment about the stupidity of some of the general public for paying over two grand to be tweeted by Mcfly’s publicist for 90 days, but then some of the other ones there were great – characters named after you in a book, walk on film parts, dinner with a celebrity of your choice are actually dreams come true for a lot of people. They remembered the principle of ‘buying something that money can’t buy’ for a charity auction, and did it brilliantly.

But that’s not the point of this blog – this blog is about following somebody on here BECAUSE they are a celebrity. And how sometimes it can be a bit of a let down.

Now like everyone else I know on there, I follow some celebrities – not really to be entertained by them as such, but to be informed by them. I know that any conversation with them is going to be one way – they probably get far too many mentions to physically reply to them all. But I thought I’d share with you a few of the better ones with you, and a couple of ones I think are, well fucking awful to be honest.

OK lets start with some goodies

Armando Iannucci – @Aiannucci – Personally I think he gets it right – has lots of information to pass onto his fans, and occasionally retweets things he likes and the odd opinion. And occasionally will reply back to people. Just has that great balance of twitter of using it to help him but understanding its value.
David Quantick – @Quantick – One of the most intelligent ‘celebrities’ on twitter. He’s one person i follow who I’ll always read. Knows shitting loads about everything, to such an extent that you could be intimidated by him, but he’s not that type. Again will reply bacl to you if you write something worthwhile (I remember having a convo on twitter with him about how great Thin Lizzy were). 

Lizzie Roper – @lizzieroper – ah dear Lizzie – utterly hatstand, but brilliant with it. Never shy, and utterly filthy at times, but most importantly never pretends to be something she’s not and doesn’t actually care if she offends people, which is admirable. Always worth reading her tweets, especially when she’s pissed

And now for a bad one….

Peter Serafinowicz – @serafinowicz
Ah it must be hard being dear Pete. I could say “he’s not been funny since Look Around You”, but even if that was the case Horne and Corden still make him look better than Monty Python ever was. To his credit he’s a lot better now, but a few months back, he was just throwing tweets out like a spoilt child trying to get attention, and had his famous ‘Question and Answer’ which looked like he was getting his disciples to write jokes for him (I know he hit real lows there). And yet he has over half of a million followers. Seems twitter was keeping a flagging career going. Which is a shame, because he was actually quite funny and clever in various situations, but it felt like he could say any old crap and everyone thought he was great….which leads me onto my last point… 

There seems to have developed a “Twitter Celebrity” mentality. Interesting. You’ve become a celebrity BECAUSE of twitter? Hmmm i don’t buy that. If you replace Youtube instead of twitter, there are instant images of wankers miming to songs in their bedrooms, or your cat falling down the toilet. Do you really want to fall into that category? Do you even WANT to be a celebrity? Are you mental (the last 2 questions are obviously linked).

This is where I see it. If I had 1 follower on twitter and they read what I wrote, I see it as a compliment. Double that if I have 2, x4 with 4 etc etc. Its always a compliment when someone makes a decision to follow you and they are doing it because they want to. Of course there will be people who playing the numbers game and want to be as popluar as celebrities, but if you really want that, then go out there and do it, but don’t do it behind Twitter – its not Twitter that makes you famous, its your talent. And a lot of people who have made it are very talented (not all sadly!).

I feel sorry for all those ‘Myspace Celebrities’. Their time is up.

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Election Night 2010 – The Tweets

Posted by anconky on May 7, 2010

For those of you who didn’t stay up, I went a bit nuts whilst tweeting for the first few hours of the election. Rather than my usual slagging off note, I thought i’d be lazy and copy this here.

Here is the context
1) Read from the bottom up
2) I was watching BBC
3) I seem to have a bit of an obsession with Paxmans cock.


bye bye Stroud. Are there demons inside psycho loseres?

We are all quite shocked that Lembit Opik has lost his seat but as @themanwhofell said “At least he hasn’t lost his dignity”

Bye bye Lembit Opik!!! Now that’s cheeky 🙂

oh fuck why am i still up?

“Fuck me Fiona Bruce Fuck me”

Milliband x 2 – they can both fuck off “My brother is going to be leader”

Ah Andrew marr – can you save the day for the BBC?

How can eyes speak Robinson. Oh maybe on the planet Mekon they do, where YOU ARE FROM

@Schofe He was from the Black Power party. He really is Tommie Smith

Whos the bloke ready for fisting in Gordons’ seat?

Why isn’t there Adrian Chiles on the election coverage. I’m sure he’d be perfect

Ah 100% whole wheat is back

Jeremy Vine is doing his David Copperfield Hands “I’m a magician” Erm no, you are a numpty

I don’t want to go to bed in case tomorrow comes. This is like reverse Christmas.

Maitliss “Come back to us when we’ve got it up” – duuuurty slut 🙂

Nick Robinson really talks basic slag. Hes like hes in the Partridge election speacial

Ahhh Kinnock. He sounds pissed too. And Pantsdown. Its the 90s all over again. Ill listen to Kula Shaker

Bellwether seat. Bellend Seat. Maitliss is a Bellend. Election word association….

Theres a cracking Tash in the background in Kingswood. I want one of those

Kirsty Wark is an obv 3rd on the BBC election tottie list – lets stick her in the background and show off Maitliss and Bruce

Samantha Cameron has a passing similarity to Leonard Nimoy (Wrath of Khan era) with long hair

Its so sad that only 244 people are following possibly my greatest comedy moment. A bit like UKIP

And Andrew Neil. Amazing how a man with 3 shredded wheat on his head has had such a career in visual broadcasting

Oh god Lipman is pisssed as a fart. She sounds like a British Telecom Delia Smith

Oh Paxo, how many people do you want to cut off. I want to be him, then i’d get paid to be a cunt to everyone

Paxman now talking to Hodge. Watch his schlong flop out any second now

Oh its shocking. 100 people can’t vote. Better in Afghanistan. Well dont go to vote 5 mins before it closes you dick!

Ah pouting Fiona Bruce. There to appeal to the dads with her raised eyebrows

Look, Nick Robinson is a Mekon. Can we have a BBC Dan Dare to smash his bones with a little girder?

The election is a disgrace eh Dimble? Don’t knock it mate, its paying your over inflated wages!

Can someone make a rude joke about “Exit Poll” please?

Cameron is going into a pub. For a Stones Ginger Wine?

Based on results so far in, Labour have a majority of 650. Stupid dicks

Dimble going on about “Rather a blow” – sick fucker

How can you say the greens have got Brighton when they’ve not started counting you mong

The bloke reporting from Brighton Pavillion looks like a rejected Thunderbird puppet

I met Margaret Hodge once. She’s shorter than you think

Maitliss – Fuck your ipad!

Dimbleby has NO CLUE what facebook is. Maybe then I can slag him off on it

Ken Clarke – Fat Walrus, but pissing off Paxman

I just a horrid thought of what a bastard lovechild of David Milliband and Phillippa Stroud would look like. I feel so dirty now

Paxman, just get your cock out and slap Harman round the face with it

Cameron has a presidential look – Collins just FUCK OFF a

Oh right BBC political expert is Joan Collins. What the fuck?

@eaudesignlondon Oh come on Ethan, he (milliband)is a slimey cunt. Like Blair but with no redeeming features apart from not being Ed Balls

Maitlis is just a local news presenter who got lucky!

The worst thing about Labour losing is that Milliband will become leader. He’s a slimey cunt

god the BBC goes into Chris Morris style news graphics. Another example of morons. At least Paxman is still trying to antagonise

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Best spam email I got EVER

Posted by anconky on April 13, 2010

Sent: 09 April 2010 22:23

Subject: Blood Essence System Offer To Governments

*Removed after request*

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Soft Drinks that Went Flat – the REAL STORY

Posted by anconky on March 31, 2010

Another archive – possibly the best bit of writing i’ve ever done. Lived on for 11 years before they finally took it off last year, luckily I still have the original and some choice comments I got on facebook. Enjoy and let those bubbles overcome you

Whilst the world was changing, the balance of power swapping from East to West, international terrorism running rife, and the popular music world going mad over the likes of Kajagoogoo and Modern Romance, there was one unifying factor, which connected any person in any country in sensation and kinship to their fellow man – fizzy drinks. Most of the following examples fall into families. Firstly there was the super giant Coke organisation, with more connections than the Mafia, who made Coke, Sprite, Lilt and Fanta. Then the 7 Up company which actually made Pepsi before it found its own feet, and other smaller players like Schweppes and Canada Dry also had their share of success. There are also a few independents such as Barr’s (Irn Bru) and Panda pops. There’s a whole sociology lesson here. Watch and learn, and see those nose-invading bubbles come out to haunt you once more.

7 UP (1940s – ) Coca-Cola’s “refreshing” alternative to Coke, basically lemonade with an entirely irrelevant and unexplained name. Early bottles had the phrase “you like it, it likes you” embossed on it, which can’t have been more than half right in most cases. Image change in the late eighties with the “Fido Dido” character proved to be a load of wank (apart from Italian exchange students, who sport baseball caps and T-shirts with it on to this day) and sales still dropped. Covered Jorden Fomula 1 cars in their logs. Sales dropped further. Hanging in there by its fingernails, still slightly more famous than a documentary about children of the same name.

ALPINE POP (1960s/70s ) Sunderland-based fizzies delivered, memorably, to outlying towns via the Alpin lorry. Rob Dixon – “It came in loads of different sugar laden flavours My favourite was pineapple. It was always delivered by hard kids, who used to hang off the van, and leg it round in huge oxford bags, and mashed up two- tone big heeled shoes. My mum always made me pay for it, and I used to hate it , as I always got the lad with the feather cut, and the knotted Sunderland scarf round his neck, who would give me the fingers as they sped off up the road. What nightmares are made of.” BRITVIC 55 (1960s – ) Basically sophisto-orangeade, enjoyed as part of a screwdriver by seventies laydeez in saloon bars, before they were allowed to partake of the “large drinks” of manhood. “55% pure orange juice – 100% sparkle!” yelped the close-harmony singers drafted in for the ad jingle. “55% of the total volume of a bottle of Corona for 300% of the price” noted whoever was paying, with a resigned sigh. But that was the sign of “sophistication”…

CARIBA (1970s – 85) For every Yin there is a Yang, and this was Lilt’s (qv) Yang. Tasted identical to Lilt and even had a very similar can. Adverts depicted the same tropical scenes. Coke dropped it when they bought Schweppes out. Pointless.

CHARLES HAGUE’S (1950s-80s) Yorkshire-based family pop concern, run by the father of one WILLIAM HAGUE. They did cola, lime & lemon, dandelion & burdock, lemonade, orangeade and cherryade. Tez Burke – “The cola was nowt to write home about, but the dandelion and burdock was ace! Best of all we used to get Hague’s pop for nothing because my cousin Edwin (the only Unitedite among eight Wednesday- supporting brothers) delivered the stuff before he lost his arm in an accident. Still, many preferred the cola that was made by their arch-rivals Exley’s of Rawmarsh (and incidentally old man Exley was a big cheese in the Rotherham Liberal Party, if that’s any clue as to what Mr.Hague’s boy now believes…)”

 COCA COLA (1895 – end of time) The eternal mystery of why a brown, treacly liquid should become the nth most successful brand in the world in less than a century is possibly explained by its original incarnation as a brown, treacly liquid full of cocaine. Sadly, the coke (“the pick-me-up and brain tonic!” boasted the original ads. No shit) soon went, but perhaps some kind of collective folk memory of powdered soda lingers on, only to be broken on the stroke of midnight, December 31st, 1999, when Cokeheads all over the world suddenly purse their lips and go “actually, it’s a bit sickly, isn’t it?” Well, there’s still the caffeiene (but see below). Only after the war did the American Large Man deem us wanky Europeans able to handle the taste – most famously by giving the New Seekers their first number one with “I’d Like To Teach The World To Sing/Buy The World A Coke.” Their second, rather tellingly, was “You Won’t Find Another Fool Like Me,” and the Big C-C didn’t – subsequent campaigns – “Coke is it!”, and reams of white middle class stable family background teenage sons finding a girl and banging her brains out all merged into one feather-cutted, denim-jacketed, everybody’s-all-American pile of formless crud. Not that it mattered to Mr. Coca and Mrs. Cola, of course. Pausing only to invent Father Christmas (as we know him today) and swap the “design classic” bottle for a tin, Coke changed its appearance little, but always sold out. Around 1985, in response to the threat from communist (probably) upstarts Pepsi, the board changed the US’ beverage to “New Coke!” and the yanks, like they gave a fuck, took to the streets in their thousands to get the “classic taste of coke” back on the shelves. Some country and western no-hopers even chanced their arm with a comedy record – “Why’d’ya wanna change the taste of coke….why fix it, it ain’t broke?” Clever wording. And, like it was all a big old ruse anyway, The Board introduced “Coca-Cola Classic”, ie. the old product now pumped up as something magical, from a bygone era. Recently the coke heads have gone for flavours (Orange flavour, tasting like a really bad Orange creme from a box of Roses that no one eats, Vanilla Coke which taste even worse than Tescos value ice cream, Lemon, lime, Cherry, all of which are as rubbish as they sound, and now the added vitamin versions which in terms of the big c’s commitment to a healthy lifestyle is about as convincing as McDonald’s and thier salads. Coke’s let’s pretend “secret recipe” that only three people know (as if the secret of brown water is of the utmost significance on the world stage – see Kentucky Fried Chicken for an even more laughable attempt to add cold war mystique to bog-standard food products) we can exclusively reveal as – water, sugar, caramel, more sugar, bubbles, and some other crap. Go on, sue us.

CORONA (1970s) “Every bubble’s passed its FIZZical!” yelped the Ernie Bilko-voiced Head Bubble (see above) in the cartoon ads for this knobbly-bottled orangeade. Very popular in the ’70s, before the Tango empire closed in. The idea of devouring an entire army of bubbles and then belching out their remains appealed to the juvenile mind.

 CRESTA (1960-80s) Best remembered for the ads which, as with Corona, far outlasted the drink in public memory. A “cool” polar bear in shades (a cross between the more debonair Glacier Mints bear and Den Hegarty) was sent into paroxysms of ecstasy after one taste of this over-sugary, over-foamy beverage of various flavours. “Rimsky Korsakov! It’s frothy, man!” Not any more, it’s not.

DIET COKE (1981 – ) CAFFEINE FREE DIET COKE (1987 – ) COKE ZERO (2007 – ) Coke’s eighties answer to the health revolution – the drink you can drink while jogging! Early samples had an appalling aftertaste, so the sweetener was changed. Ads very much like normal fat bastard coke but with thinner people in them – “Just for the taste of it!” wheened the singers, and, well, it did have the bonus of tasting nothing like “regular” Coke. Followed on with the Zero variety, obviously marketed as ‘Man’s Diet Coke’, because if you drank the normal Diet stuff, you must be homosexual. The Zero is a comment on the number of brain cells one must have not to realise this is Diet Coke in a black can.Caffeine-free was released around ’87 in response to a government health report about caffeine and heart disease being linked. Thus the one remaining bit of fun associated with Coke was obliterated. This literally was brown water.

DR PEPPER (1981 – ) Anyone remember the taste of Benylin, that horrible cough medicine? Well carbonate it and you have Dr Pepper. Disgusting, somehow survives in America, but over here has risen no higher in popular folk myth than “that can of stuff that’s the last to go at a local village fete bottle stall because someone won it, decided they didn’t want it and surreptitiously put it back on the bench” status. Constant ad campaigns of the “try it! You might like it!” variety have fooled sod all people.

FANTA (1970s – ) Coke-owned Orange fizz, much more artificial than Tango. not much to say about this one, came and stayed and with Coke’s big bucks behind it, it wasn’t leaving. Took over from Corona in the early ’80s, before itself being marginalised by bloody Tango. A Disney-related campaign with the foolish tag “My friend, Fanta” did little to improve its ’80s standing. Alan Partridge keeps copius amounts in the mini bar at the travel tavern.

FRESCA (1970s-80s) Odd grapefruit based drink which was extremely bitter and not very suitable for children. Presumably this was why the advert featured a very sultry couple, sipping “Fresca” and causing their sunglasses to freeze over. All very odd. The packaging was originally a light green-aquamarine background with Fresca in yellow lettering, replaced with the “new” and “updated” styling of the rather less appealing white label with green lettering. Not the hottest seller, apparently. The taste was something like 7-up, Mountain Dew, and some sort of citrus-y acerbic tangy fruit like grapefruit. It was yellow in color.

 HI SPOT (1970’s) 7-UP competitor made by Canada “Ginger Ale” Dry. It was basically a low spot and was virtually impossible to find over here. A poor show, but surprisingly good at removing egg stains from cotton clothing.

 IRN BRU (1982 – ) Images of bagpipes and the Forth Rail bridge spring to mind for this odd, medicine-flavoured Caledonian best seller from Barrs. People thought it was actually made from leftover iron girders, but now it has the de rigeur “ironic” new image in the same way that spinach had a new image after the arrival of Popeye. Sort of.

JOLT COLA (Always around – if you know where to look) First spotted in a petrol station’s mini-market JUST across the NI/Rep of Ireland border – Northerner’s spotting the contraband’s flogging-on potential – which is still sold ‘openly’ in the States. This stuff looked like Coke, tasted like Coke that has ‘been left to settle’ – but by jove – it give you a kick in the place needed to wake you up. No need for the subtleties of Red Bull and assorted modern pick-me-ups – this stuff was filled to the bottle neck w ith caffeine, caffeine and more caffeine – hence it’s rather underground status. Favourite with students working as porters in the summer months – ably assiting those bleary eyed 6AM starts. Last spotted in a newsagents on approach to Embankment station.

OWN NAME BRANDS ( 1980’s – ) All sorts could be mentioned here, but all have the same thing in common – the taste of either a) a watered-down version of the “proper” brands, b) a Sodastream (qv.) version of the “proper” brands, c) cockroach’s piss. A cheap alternative to antifreeze and Super Viscostatic.

LARKSPUR LEMONADE (1970s) Lemonade delivered by the milkman every morning, Larkspur Lemonade marked your local daries attempt to compete with the huge supermarket conglomerates such and Grandways. Coming in a 1 litre glass bottle with ribbed sides (for her pleasure) but a smooth unopenable top, the grimacing polar bear on the label proclaimed that the sublime liquid contained ‘a billion bubbles a bottle’. Nothing could have been further from the truth after it had sat on your doorstep since 4.00am and frozen solid on any given morning during the winter of 1976. LILT (1970s – ) Pineapple and grapefruit flavour? No, it’s not. Not even close. But its ‘distinctive’ taste proved popular, killing off its direct competition (cf Cariba). Advertising open to charges of racial stereotyping, probably guilty, and certainly a pile of condescending crap, featuring a clean-cut Carribean beach party complete with bamboo milk float loaded with the green fluid. The obligatory diet version predictably followed.

LIPTONICE (1991) Possibly the worst ever idea for a soft drink – fizzy iced tea. Yep. Ads had sophisticated upper middles on yachts and suchlike going “Tea?? Fuck off!”, but finally being persuaded by Angus Deayton to love the drink. Which is pretty much exactly what happened in real life. Apart from the “liking it” bit. Turned up around the same time as the second-wave Tab, and was even quicker at vanishing without trace. A miracle of incompetence all round.

LUCOZADE (1950s – ) Working on the theory that “If it tastes this foul, it must do you good!”, The ‘Zade sold to provincial doting mums the world over whenever their sick little kid decided to fake an illness (which always mysteriously cleared up by 1pm) to avoid a Friday of double Fletcher Maths, and sit about watching Maths Topics and Look and Read instead. Cue mother trundling up the stairs with copious amounts of said get-well fluid and something eggy on a tray. The nasty taste was deemed an acceptable price to pay for the extended weekend. Always came in large, knobbly-sided bottles (see also Corona) wrapped in fragile orange cellophane which peeled away and merged with the gloopy residue running down the sides of the bottle into a nasty-looking paste which genuinely did make you ill, thus giving the lie to their long-running “Lucozade aids recovery” campaign, showing a cartoon boy progressing from poorly-in-bed to sprightly-on-his-Chopper accompanied by a little hospital graph. Now “a favourite energy boost among ravers”, according to the Observer magazine and similarly gullible sources, and has multiplied into various derivatives quicker than the spread of bird flu. The ‘isotonic’ range ‘Gets ta ya first thast’ as noted public orator John Barnes once said. Stick to Channel 5 mate.

 PANDA POPS (1970s – ) While the rich kids had Coke, us in the housing estate and the flats had a variety of Panda Pops with a cute little panda on the front. Many flavours that all tasted the same, bottles were smaller and were miles less fizzy, specially after spending eight months in the local corner shop’s “open access” doorless fridge, which did nothing to cool the bottles, but did light them in a yellowy fluorescent glow, and made them rattle constantly in their trays – a life-affirming sound. Sadly even that pleasure has disappeared with the invention of plastic. Generally found on sale at East Sussex non-league grounds.

 PEANUTS (1980s) Several varieties of canned fizzy stuff, each with the marketing clout of a different Peanuts ™ character on the can. Charlie Brown’s ‘Old Fashioned’ Lemonade, Snoopy Cola, Woodstock Appleade, Lucy & Linus Orangeade, Schroeder’s Dandelion & Burdock (well, maybe not…) Around at the time when the cartoon was almost on the verge of taking over the UK, what with the Coronet paperbacks, A Charlie Brown Christmas on every bloody year (usually in June… ‘Try to catch snowflakes on your tongue. It’s fun!’) and clips of the other animated escapades regularly turning up on Screen Test. Until Garfield showed up, that is… Can contents decidedly average.

 PEPSI (middle of the century – ) Forever toiling in The Big C’s shadow, Pepsi (named after a Wham! backing singer, for God’s sake!) made ground in the ’80s, partly due to the “New Coke!” debacle, and partly to some savage ads (US regulations permit commercials to openly slag off rival companies – imagine “ITV’s shit! Get a TV licence!” coming up in the middle of Coronation Street). They spent big bucks on the ads (and set Michael Jackson on fire as an added bonus). Over here, though, the notorious “Pepsi Challenge” settled for Chris Tarrant on the streets of London asking which cup of brown water various likely suspects preferred. Seemingly less paranoid about their “secret recipe” than C-C. Still brown.

 PEPSI MAX (1993 – ) A compromise between Diet Pepsi and normal. One of those marvellous drinks that taste entirely of chemicals (cf. Tab). Used mentally ill men in the advertising campaigns, and no-one batted an eyelid.

POCARI (1980s) Real name Pocari Sweat. Came in Blue coca-cola cans (i.e. it had the ribbons device on) , with a white logo all in capital letters. The original isotonic drink. Tasted like a fizzy combination of sweat and saliva. No wonder 75% of it was absorbed by your body. Or something. Made by coca-cola co. in Japan. The drink itself was clear, and tasted quite close to aspro-clear dissolved in water – i.e. Salty and sweet all at the same time. (Only it didn’t have the bits in, and it didn’t “get you stoned”, as aspirin and Coke did, when you were ten years old – cf. rubbish playground myths page 97).

QUATRO (1983 – 5) A sort of “Fruits of the forest” fizz that left as quickly as it came. Orange, lime, grapefruit and… another fruit blended in a futuristic vending machine (see The Core – Drink) to create a rather poor-tasting can of sod all.

 SCHWEPPES TONIC (1950s – ) “Schhh… you know who” whispered William Franklyn in the oh-so-coy long-running ads for the tonic water giants. They’re now Cadbury-Schweppes, of course, but the yellow-labelled bottles of tonic water (and, of course, the later “Slimline”) were the brand’s identification for the pre-merger era. Tonic water, though – tastes nasty, but protects you from malaria (as part of a quinine-controlled diet). Bit like Lucozade, in that respect. Anyone fancy a pint? See also Schweppes Ginger Cordial. Matthew Jordan – “a non-alcoholic version of Stones ginger wine, it was dark brown, syrupy and came in tall thin bottles. A firm family favourite at the teatotal 1970s Jordan family Christmas, but it disappeared some time in the mid 1980s. The liquid was so strong and syrupy that it was intended to be drunk diluted but being a hardcore, no-nonsense sort of family we knocked it back straight.”

SODASTREAM (1970 – ) Part of the Do-It-Yourself junk food ethos which also spawned Mr. Frosty and the Breville Sandwich Toaster, The Sodastream, a tall plastic oblong with a hinged tube and the all-important “magic button” at the top, promised to free the fizzy water consumer from the capitalist tyranny of overpriced “name” brands, by handing the means of production over to the man in the street, or rather kitchen. Based around small cannisters of compressed Carbon Dioxide (which could blow up your house if you dropped them, you know), ‘Streamers filled one of the supplied glass bottles with tap water (never above the marked “safe level”, though!), slotted it in place, and then “got busy with the fizzy!” as various amusingly headscarfed housewives had it in the ad. And behold, a bottle of mildly fizzy water! Then came the flavouring – syrupy gloop in weak cola, weak orange, weak cherry, and “Witch’s Brew” (green stuff, God knows where from) flavours. First ever batch made in the household was manfully downed by the father, who then, through clenched teeth, reckoned “Lovely! So, no need to buy any more Coke for us!” The underwhelmed kid was not so confident. A long battle of wits clearly lay ahead. Even more unfortunate families had to make do with the Kenwood Cascade.

SOLO (1970s) Rough ‘n’ ready drink in a yellow can. The TV ads showed someone enjoying a mouthfull after climbing a mountain. If you shook the can really hard and opened it, there was a delayed reaction before the contents flew into the face of an intended victim who thought that the “joke” hadn’t worked and had moved closer to laugh at you.

SPARKLING RIBENA (1983 – ) The “flat” blackcurrent market was cornered by Ribena and C-Vit, so Ribena and their little berries thought they would take on the big boys, and did pretty well. Even after the Blackcurrent tango arrived, Ribena sales are still high. Adverts at the time were a bit ripe, however – of all songs, they picked Sheb Wooley’s “Purple People Eater” (“I’m a two horned, one-eyed Sparkling Ribena”) Bad call.

SPRITE (UK : 1989 – ) The direct competition to 7-UP (qv), in that cutting-edge “it’s basically lemonade” market. But Sprite had, as a Genesis soundalike session act bawled in the ads, “a squeak of real lemon and lime”. Sure. Been around for years in the colonies before it came to the UK, where a mis-print on the original ads said “The refreshing new taste of Sprint”….That’s how forgettable it is.

SPORT COLA (1984) What can only be described as a disgusting cola drink (cf Tesco Low Sugar cola) made a very brief appearance in the mid eighties, but with now advertising campaign to speak of except its association with equally crap cartoon “Sport Billy”, it lasted as long as the war would have, if we were fighting just Italy.

 SQUIRT (1982 – 4) This one is even rarer than Quatro (qv). Came in a yellow can and was a sort of lemony derivative. It was awful, and sunk without traced after only a year on the shelves. Did manage to get into the fizzy drink hall of fame by being immortalised in the original Band Aid video. If you watch closely you can clearly see Paula Yates holding said beverage, just before the “Feed the World” bit starts. Hmmm.

 TAB (1960s – 1981, 1991-2) Probably the strangest one of the lot. Came, buggered off, returned, then buggered off again. The old can was a sort of pink colour, whilst the new one was a silver with “Coke” written all over it. Tasted of cola cubes (with added chemicals!), looked like 7 Up – no wonder kids were confused. Suffered in America from a St. Ides-like “Only gays drink it” rubbishing campaign. Nevertheless, it is sorely missed. As Homer Simpson mused, “Wow! Invisible cola!”

TANGO (1970s – ) First brand to crack open the “fruit” market, with cans depicting whole oranges, apples etc. on the front. Was content to sit about in the fridge with all the other “fizzy orange” efforts until recently, when a slew of zany “concept” ads started boring everyone rigid.

TIZER (1960s – ) One of those drinks with an undescribable taste (it’s supposedly some species of cherryade), a massive seller in the seventies (“We can tell it’s Tizer! When our eyes’re! Shut!”) and tended to mirror the state of Britain’s economy with its sales. Nothing much else to say – very much a stereotypical “tiny tots” drink, largely unchanged, even with the advent of a series of largely-ignored wannabe ironic ad campaigns in recent years.

TREE TOP (1960s) Orange (and perhaps other flavours?) cordial type stuff, which would rot teeth at 200 yards. The bottle weighed a ton, with a huge white plastic top on in it. In fact it was very reminiscant of a lava lamp, (making a comeback with the groovy kids of today) as also was the drink, which resembled in colour and texture the oil floating within said type lamps. Tree-Top was probably banned by some obscure EEC regulation, shortly after Edward Heath signed on the dotted line.

 TRENDY POPS (1970s) For those impoverished oiks who couldn’t even afford Panda Pops. Small, green, bottle-shaped bottle, cool green, yellow and orange striped label. Flavours? Hard to remember, but probably orange – the “plain vanilla” of fizz flavourings. Never purchased after leaving primary school.

UNIGATE “FIZZY DRINKS” (1975 – ?) Classics, we have here. 1 litre bottles of pop that you bought through your milkman. The types were : Cola, Lemonade, Orangeade, Limeade, Cream Soda, and the ever-loving Cherryade. But the best bit was that each different type had a cartoon character playing a musical instrument on the front. Cherryade was a bird with gormless tits singing, and Cream soda was some cool bloke in shades playing a sax. Some sort of hazily-defined “jazz” theme seemed to run through them. Oh, they tasted pretty bad, but man, were they cool!

VIMTO (1940s – ) “Northern Coke!” “Sparkling fruit punch!” “Vomit!” Nicknames for this permanent also-ran of distinctly British extraction are rife, but sales have never been as abundant. That said, unlike so many other UK design classics (The Austin Allegro, The Spangle, The Goblin Teasmaid), this piece of the past has stayed the course somehow, despite the CokePepsico threat. And for that, no small amount of credit is deserved. Even if it does taste fucking rancid. Comes (or used to come) in stripey, unusually tall, thin cans as well as the standard bottles, to set it apart from the crowd. 

 Comment ·

 Georgia Savva hahahahah. you make me laugh. 18 February 2008 at 16:42 ·

.Dan Taylor Oi, Vimto rocks and don’t you forget it sunshine! 18 February 2008 at 17:56 · .

Andy K Well when I was 8 years old someone had a bottle of vimto at school – you know the score…kids mum diluted it for him and he took it to school. I was dared to piss in it, which i did. Aforementioned kid then drink the urine infused fruit punch. 18 February 2008 at 18:31 · .

Meg Jones SODASTREAM! ah memories =) 18 February 2008 at 21:23 · .

Jared Hull Vimito is the soft drink of the Gods, it’s a scientific FACT. And how can you slag off Dr Pepper, it’s amazing (the drink, not you slagging it off). I had a Panda Pop recently, it’s good to see that they taste as ‘unique’ as ever. 19 February 2008 at 00:00 · .

Lapo O I can’t be the only person who shook up Panda Pops and threw them as high as possible into the air above the playground tarmac just for the fizzy fountain/firework like carnage that followed the high speed impact of the bottle into the ground? Physics in action :o) I was also once horrendously sick on Cherryade Panda Pops but the sick was exactly the same colour as the Cherryade so it was incredibly cool AND horrible at the same time! … See more Happy Days. 19 February 2008 at 00:51 · .

Dan Taylor Vimto is brilliant. Used to spend all day at my nans in Manchester at Xmas pelting everything that moved with snowballs, then just as hypothermia frostbite & snow blindness were setting in, you’d go indoors and have a big mug of Vimto mixed with hot water. Sorted. That was Scott’s big mistake when he went for the pole. No flask of hot Vimto. The loser! 19 February 2008 at 09:02 · .

Susie Jones Corona wasnt just orangeade in the 70s you know! It’s lemonade used to rival R-Whites in the returnable glass bottle scheme at my local newsagents. They did a lovely limeade version before the cresta bear nabbed it! 19 February 2008 at 10:01 · .

Dan Taylor Can’t believe you dissed Lucozade too. It works, it really does! 21 March 2008 at 00:11 · .Write a comment……

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It’s gong season..or should I say mong season

Posted by anconky on February 26, 2010

In respect of all the bumlicking award ceremonies that are happening at the moment, I thought I’d bring up another classic rant of mine from a couple of years ago….

Right, i’m going to have a rant. About awards ceremonies. What a fucking bunch of foreskin they really are. I had the unfortunate experience of catching some of the Comedy awards last night, but I’ll leave that for a bit. First I’d like to have a rant about Sports Personality of the Year.

Now what the fuck has happened to that. Cue the usual, keep cutting to famous people in the audience so that Auntie Mabel can say “oooo doesn’t he look well for his age” or “oooo look, she’s got a new haircut”. FUCK OFF!! Wanky titwanky bollocks.

Firstly let me talk about the Young Personality. Who won? The blind world champion runner girl, wiping out the competition? No? Was it the 16 year old table tennis player who is British No.1 and has won loads of titles even though he is so young. No…its was the stupidly eyebrowed Theo Wankalot. And what has he done…erm played a couple of times for Arsenal, and famously NOT being picked for any of Englands World Cup games, even though he was really the only fit striker in the squad that didn’t look like a ostrich (i.e. Crouchy)…I was going to say a freak, but hey…

And then there was Zara “I never have to worry about credit card bills” Phillips. Zara ”I have done nothing, but be given everything I want including a world beating horse” Phillips has been handed the Great British public’s vote for BBC sports personality of the year. An award that I would have thought needed a personality to be won.
To paraphrase “the stuck up bint didn’t deserve BBC Personality thing…but I would say she’s well deserving of taking my full payload in her face. I would. Posh birds, always complete filth in the sack..” That would be true of course except she looks too much like her mum. And probably her horse too. But to be totally fair the top 10 were so weak i’m not surprised. Lots of people I’ve not heard of, people who have achieved virtually fuck all (Jenson Button, another cunting silver spoon), a couple of boxers and Phil dartsman Taylor, who is the biggest winner the lot. I didnt mention Darren Clarke, because he is a golfer, and golf is the most shitty cuntingly bollocks sport ever invented, by people up their own arse in stupid pringle/slazenger wear and come up with “Yes its an amazing sport…just you against the ball”. No mate its just you against the fact you are a bigger cunt than Noel Edmunds. I bet he plays Golf…..I digress….

And then there was the British Comedy awards. That actually made the Sports Personality of the Year award look like it had credibility. Yes again cue to various shots of semi famous people in the audience so that Uncle Derek can say “Ohhhh I thought he was dead” or “Fwoar Fuck me, check out the bristols on that one”. But of course it was presented by Jonathan Ross, a more vapid and irritating self promoting arrogant cunt I’ve yet to meet. Do you think anyone has ever had the balls to tell him he CAN’T TALK PROPERLY. You know…like when you meet a girl with a bit of a tash, no one quite has the balls to tell her. And when Mr Ross speaks all I hear is “fluberdy flub flub flub awwwwight, we’ll be back awfta this bweak”. How has that cunt got a career I’ll never know. Oh yeah, he probably bummed the director. Thats the one. Anyway looking at some of the awards. WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY DOING

Best female comedy newcome : Charlotte “Voice of an angel, vagina of a hippo” Church. How the FUCK did that happen? She is NOT funny. The only thing she actually has going for her is she is welsh. And her crack habit obviously.

Outstanding contribution to entertainment Chris Tarrent. For being a smug bigamist who goes hawking in Esher? Hmmm right. He should never have left Tiswas…

And then there is Ant and Dec. Yeah come on then you fucking spam head geordie fuckbuddies. I’m not hard right, but I could fucking rumble them without even breaking stride. You sum up everything that is wrong with ITV, who’s orginal idea was to produce quality broadcasting to everyone. Yeah, and we get you two cunts popping up with your cunting takeaway. Well I hope your takeaway gives you cunting botulism. If you turned up on his slab at the mortuary I think Quincy would throw a fucking party. But of course they won an award as the Peoples Choice. This proves to show that most people in this country are really stupid fuckers who revel in the world of mediocracy and believe everything they read in the Sun. And don’t even get me started on “I’m a celebrity who’s fucking so washed up i’m going to lose my dignity on national tv just so I can stay in the limelight a little bit longer because I need it to support my crack habit”. And who won that? Matt Penis from Busted. He’s a cunt. He came to a gig of mine one. He is a arrogant tosser who kind of walks with his cock sticking out…know what I mean?

Don’t get me wrong there have been some fime comedies this year…Mitchell and Webb actually did something different with the sketch show (see later), Green Wing, Man O Man with Dean Learner and the Boosh (if you take away all those hoards of screaming teenage girls who if you said to them “I got a hug off Noel Fielding” they would actually attack you like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction).

But then there is more of the detritus. Harry Hill used to be a fave of mine, but his TV burp..its just a rehash of older shows. Waste of a very funny man I think.

And then we have Mr Gervais. Is it just me or has he actually disappeared into his own arse of luvvydom? Its like “im better than anyone because I’m mate with De Niro you know”. Its a less class version of the Oliviers etc. And lets face one simple fact…he is so not funny now and actually thinks he is comedy GOLD. He is only playing himself in his shows the same as that Kat Slater bird only played herself. And he’s in the latest Ben Stiller film too. I mean…how did he get that part (see Jonathan Ross comment above)

Russell Brand. Ohhh regular readers of my myspace will know how much I love the fluffy haired funny man. Actually he’s a fucking waste of oxygen, he has a small penis, and gets upset when Bob Geldof called him a cunt. Well come on Brand you useless piece of drug taking shit. Come have a go if you think you are hard enough. Oh sorry you ain’t.

Little Britain/Catherine Tate. I will always lump these two together. Why? Because THEY ARE NOT FUNNY! Not just that…every episode they are not funny because the JOKES ARE THE SAME. Literally every week its the same old fucking crap shite. And even worse its like a chav’s favourite show. All the burbury love it. And there is NO CRIME when they are on because they are all watching it on their stolen tellies saying “am i bovver’d” and “I wan’t that one”. Be smart. Walk AWAY!!! Sktech shows do NOT have to be the same every week. Classics such as Python were constantly changing, and Mitchell and Webb is carrying on that tradition. It kind of makes we wish that Messrs Lucas, Walliams and Tate were in the vicinity of Hungerford around 1988.

And this was all in 15 minutes, then realise I would rather cut off my ballbag with a rusty knife. It was horrific. I’m scarred. I want to sue ITV for subjecting us to this shit. But lets face it, they’d send round Ant and Dec. Suicide….my only escape

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5 Reasons why I hate snow

Posted by anconky on January 7, 2010

1. I don’t actually hate snow. Snow stirs up very little emotion in me. Yes it looks pretty. And it makes driving tricky. But to me they cancel out. So therefore its not snow I hate. This is another excuse to show my hatred of the general public.

2. Transport. Lots of moans about how the transport infrastructure falls apart after a few inches of the stuff. Oh trains are not prepared for it. Yes, surprisingly they are not. Maybe its because before Feb 2009 the last time London had snow bad enough to effect travel was early in 1991. Thats a full 18 years gap. So some bright spark will invest lots and lots of money in preparing for snow, and then its wasted for nearly 2 decades when it could be spent on renewing the system. Hmmmm a few day’s inconvenience for 18 years of actually a roughly working service. Extreme weather conditions have a knock on effect. Get over it, bellends

3. “Snow Days” – I fucking hate that term. Wow a day with snow. Everyone can go on about “sun days” and confuse the fuck out of thick people. Snow days are especially used by Teachers, who become irritating by their constant mentioning of it. Looks like another excuse to get another day off. Well gang, I not only tried to get into work, I made it too. Mind you a lot of other people in a lot of other professions used the excuse – so much so for the British battling spirit – the blitz was a LONG time ago eh 😉

4. Shoppers – I realise how easy it is to panic people. Amazingly easy. People have been stockpiling food, and shops are going bare. Do people realise that actually if you had no food and ate nothing for the time the snow will be here, you will not die. You may get a bit thinner, which lets face it, after Xmas is not really a bad thing. Instead the news makes you panic like the 4 minute warning prior to a nuclear holocaust, and people shit themselves. I’d love to work on the news. I’d never get bored, scaring the shit out of people who can’t think for themselves

5. People. Yes, it will always be a crowning glory of a rant. It seems that some people lead such insipid little lives that they have to talk about snow ALL the time. I’ve lost count of how many facebook status i’ve read saying something along the lines of “Let it snow (repeat ad nauseum)” or “Whoop whoop snow” etc etc. Great. You are commenting on a natural phenomena. Probably the same people who tell everyone they are tidying their flat and have just eaten a yummy roast. Probably one of the reasons I tweet more and more. At least there you can follow the people you want to – ones who are interesting. The more I look on Facebook, the more superior I feel. There’s been a vague attempt at making females not talk about snow by getting them to say what colour bra they are wearing. Sounds like a perv to me. Maybe I’m being a little harsh, knowing the great british obsession with the weather. Maybe, just maybe, I’m glad I’m not British

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Take me out….and shoot me

Posted by anconky on January 2, 2010

I’ve just flicked on the TV to catch they dying moments of Take Me Out. I feel violated by this. Its yet another addition in the ITV cannon of “Utterly Crap TV”.

Time after time this detritus is thrown in our direction. In one corner there are millions thrown at reality style shows. All of these have one M.O – humiliation sells so lets make more of it. The pinnacle of this obviously is “I’m not really a celebrity, but i’m so desperate for fame, I’d happily eat a kangaroo anus to get my fame back” – a show so contrived it makes the challenges on Top Gear look genuine. A has been or wannabe gets paid 65 grand just for taking part, presented by the poor man’s chuckle brothers, Ant and Dec (who are obviously being paid even more) being flown to Australia and being humiliated.

In the next is the exploitation of the thick general public in “Britain really has fuck all talent” and “The Twat Factor”. OK we all know creepy Cowell is rubbing his hands at the amount of money he’s making, but what worries me are not the ‘hopefuls’ who take part (lets face it, Joe Mcfuck who won it this year doesn’t have the X Factor – he was just the best of a very bad bunch), but its the screaming fans – I mean how fickle does Joe Public need to be? They suddenly start screaming at some nobody because they have appeared. You have to think that the audience would scream at whoever, like they want to be as famous as them. I also doubt this whole fast track to fame business – all of the really talent people out there had to serve their apprenticeships in some smelly old pub or a cold theatre must be quite bitter that some cockend like Ray Quim just rocks up, is a bit of a freak and now seems to have appeared in most West End musicals – as Withnail said “and a tanner for his arse”

Now i’ve been whacked by a double header of tradegy – All Star Mr & Mrs. Even with my nostalgic Derek Batey/Alan Taylor glasses off, it was a bit of a rubbish show before. But now, following hot off the heels of All Star Family Fortunes, presented by Vernon Cunt (I know its not his name, but come on reader…it should be shouldn’t it) its another show from the past given a new celeb lease of life because the tv execs have no ideas or imagination anymore.  But this was nothing compared to what preceeded it. Take Me Out. I was watching it with a face of disgust like watching two eels shagging in a bucket of snot. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Here are some basic pointers for you

  1. It’s a format already ‘popular’ in Australia. So firstly, not original. From my research I found out the following “It was removed from schedules in its fourth week after screening 19 episodes, due to continuing mediocre ratings”. OK ITV – you think you can polish this turd. Its already gone from a station in Oz with a 17.2% share to one with a 0.2% audience share. It was axed in its 4th week – after being moved from a primetime slot to the midnight graveyard shift.
  2. In Australia it had the more appropriate name “Taken Out”
  3. The UK people seemed to have deliberately picked chavs. Its full of hairdressers and nailcare people. They type of people who think Gavin and Stacey is actually funny, and walk down the street going “Am I bovvered” and “I want that one” and think they are really funny and cool. No, you are a chav scum with limited intelligence.
  4. It is presented by Paddy McGuinness. This in itself isn’t a crime. OK he got a career in TV by being Peter Kays’ mate, but he’s clung in there, and work is work – you have to be a bit of a whore in this business. But in the ratings obsessed world we live in and the need to follow demographs, why did the producers pick him? Does he appeal to chavs that much? Did Denise Van Shouten turn it down? Is it too lower class for even John Barrowman to present? I’m still trying to work it out…
  5. The show itself – well I thought you couldn’t make a downmarket Blind Date. Its pretty obvious that I am horrifically wrong. A stupid theme tune and lots of flashing lights will not bring anything to the show which is fundamentally floored. Even Blind Dates one interesting thing (the audience seeing the dates but the picker doesn’t) has been removed. Now it has all the grace and glamour of a really bad suburban nightclub meat market, where people literally go to pull and nothing else. (Anyone ever been to Oceana in Kingston will know what I mean)

I see myself as quite an intelligent chap (I have a Physics degree for fuck sake), but really this is more insulting to it than X factor ever was. Why oh why do ITV keep putting out this shit on a Saturday evening – is it a ploy to get people to go out more? Are they in league with pubs or something? Its even sponsored by Dominos, the saviour of Saturday nights in.

I’m happy to listen to comments telling me that ITV actually make anything decent anymore. Next week we will have Ant and Dec trying to shit out pine cones whilst Vernon Cunt gets someone to wipe excess dribble off his shoulder.

I have a feeling this isn’t the end of my ranting….

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Taking on the Euro…..

Posted by anconky on December 9, 2009

From 2007….

As many of you who know me are aware, one of the highlights of my year is coming up. Yes folks its Eurovision time.

OK lets get this clear from the start. I love the Eurovision. Its so fucking tacky, cheesy and downright embarresing, it makes Peep Show look positively normal. Great toe curling stuff. But its so much more than that. People dismiss it. But when I was a mere nipper it was one of those “everyone gather round the rented TV from Rediffusion or DER” moments. The seventies was a classic time for the Eurovision where songs were sung in English which almost had no meaning.

For example

Holland – “Ding a Dong” by Teach-In ’75
“Ding a dong every hour, when you a pick a flower, even when your lover is gone gone gone” – and that won!

“I wanna be a polar bear” – Izhar Cohen and the Alpha-Betas 1978

Maybe it was a bit cheesy, but it was entertaining. And then the 80s came along and as usual the fashion disaster that was that decade came into play. And god said “Thy Eurovision shall because fucking painful” – he was right (Anyone who needs convincing, just do an image search on Belle and the Devotions)In the 90’s the Eurovision tried to be serious and contempary at the same time. Didn’t work. The game was up when in 98 the competition was won by a transgender israili – two oppressed stereotypes rolled into one. Since then I think the Eurovision has been trying to take the piss out of itself. You know, in the way that the kid bullied at school takes the piss out of themselves when being bullied by the big boys outside the tuck shop. It’s just self presevation. Mind you Lordi won it last year, and that DID take the piss but in a very successful way.

But you can group eurovision entries into various categories these days
a) The DIVA – following in the footsteps of Dana International, Celene Dion. Have a bird with a dramatic voice and even more dramatic hair gives you a fighting chance.
b) The boy band – have some pretty boys dancing and singing with the look on their face that they have just taken it up the Gary, always certain to get marks
c) The traditional music song – steep yourself in your culture and be certain to get points from neighbouring countries who are in tune for you. This method will not work for the UK because they have no national cultural identity and all our neighbours hate us.
d) The novelty number – take the piss. Every year you get the novelty numbers, but apart from the blatant piss take from Lordi, it rarely is a winner.
e) Don’t bother. The Italian ain’t bothered for years now.

So who’s going to win this year? Well clear favourite is Sweden. Not sure why. Oh yes, I am sure why. Because they have resurrected Marc Bolan and unwrapped him from the oak tree and purple mini. OK so its 30 years since his death and he would have been 60 this year, but would he REALLY have wanted to be connected to the Eurovision?

Switzerland and Belarus are hottly tipped too – both seem to be taking the slightly gothic rock route. As usual countries view what won last year and try and jump on the gravy train after its left beef station. Switzerland is especially annoying with their vampires are alive. They are not. And you are a cunt for thinking so.

Talking of cunts, check out the Ukraine Entry – 3 years ago they swept to victory with Ruslana and her wild dances. This year its very very different. I challenge ANYONE not to see the video of their entry and not say out loud “OH WHAT A CUNT!”

As for my home country Cyprus…hmmm interesting. Its one of the better entries, if a little evenesence. I have an issue with it being sung in french I have to admit. Reminds me of the Luxembourg 1983 winner. We should get through the semi’s and have a healthy showing in the final. Enough to make me proud of my country!

My final word has to go to Scooch. Totally gay – no two ways about it “Would you like some complimentary nuts” – if the old voting system was in place then it would be bugger all. But now the votes are down to the people of Europe. now I hate people – to coin a phrase “you can’t trust people – people like coldplay and voted for the nazi’s”. I have a sneaky feeling that it will be the UK’s best placing for many a year. It may even be a dark horse, but obviously a horse in a Brokeback Mountain sort of way….

I’m off to ponder and lose myself in 1970 Eurovision action…..

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